1 In attendance: AS: AW: CS: DR: EP :JB: JP: JW: KL: LP: MB: MF: MWild..: MWill..SH:SS:
VB: VAB [18]
Apologies: GB
2 Welcome and Introduction by the Chair
3 Chairman’s Report (Malcolm)
With sadness the Committee said goodbye to Mavis Smith on the 11th January – she worked tirelessly for the hall over the years especially as Treasurer and will be sorely missed.
The Chair reported that he was especially indebted to Gill Bonser for her work as Treasurer, Silvia Stephenson for organising two events involving agencies in the area and Dolgellau College for organising afternoon teas. Both Gill and Sylvia organised “warm space” sessions during January and February over eight afternoons.
Ian Palmer has kindly agreed to continue as caretaker in a voluntary capacity and Ellie Coward and staff to clean the hall on a weekly basis.
The duck race held on the August Bank Holiday Sunday was a great success raising funds for the hall. Thanks to all involved.
An annual Christmas Show was held in December in spite of a number of obstacles thrown at us. Many thanks to Margaret Wilkins, Joyce Woolley and Eleanor Bartram for organising this plus everyone who took part or supported us.
An informal “Bring & Share” event took place in the hall to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. The Chair heartened by the number of people who stayed on at the end to put the hall back to rights – thank you.
Although Eleanor Bartram has stood down from the committee she continues to manage the fire and emergency fire alarm systems and provide guidance on health and safety issues. Behind the scenes she has gone through years of documentation and putting them in good order, paving the way for a new Secretary to take over. Eleanor has been a tower of strength, especially during the Covid years. Thank you Eleanor.
A new singing group, Melody Makers of Fairbourne -
Finally the Chair thanked all committee members for their commitment during the past year
The future
Opportunities exist for people to come forward to organise weekly, monthly or even one-
It has been decided to keep charges at their current rate at least until September.
If you feel you could lend a hand at weed control, general maintenance, odd jobs etc. please speak to Ian.
4 Treasurer’s Report (Gill)
Copies of our accounts are available for inspection – in summary income for the year was £17852.00 and expenditure £12,330.00. This leaves a fund balance of £30,121.00 which would appear to be rather high, however internal decorations are due to be refreshed this year and a major outlay anticipated externally dealing with river bank works and disabled access issues.
5 Village Hall Committee -
Existing members of the Committee are in agreement to continue another year. One nomination for the committee received -
Elected members from the village and local community organisations [6]:
Chair -
Vice Chair -
Treasurer -
Secretary -
IT/Electronics -
Bookings Secretary/Buildings -
Representatives from interest and user groups
Art and Craft -
Bingo – Jackie Barthorp Garden Club – Ernie Puddick
Keep Agile – Val Barratt Indoor Bowls – June Parkyn
Table tennis – Vanda Bourhill
Not represented:
The Ark and Aftershock Sit and Sew
Yoga Tabata
Arthog Community Council First Responders
Angela Ware – 200 Club, books
6 Questions from the floor -
7 200 Club
The draw for June 2023
1st (No 60) Linda Puddick / 2nd (No 197) Diane Hodson / 3rd (No62) Hebe James
8 Date Next Annual General Meeting: Tuesday, 18th June 2024
SMH. 21/6/23 (draft)
Friog and Fairbourne Village Hall
Annual General Meeting (20th June 2023) MINUTES