Weekly activities
Monday: Core Yoga, 9.20am; Gentle Yoga, 10.45am; contact Niki, 07884 554150
Art and Craft Club, 1.30pm; contact Joyce, 01341 250522
Keep fit, 6pm; contact Jo, 07585662142
Weekly drop in, 10am; multi-use room side entrance, all welcome
Ti a Fi 10am; contact Joanna, email Joanna.Williams@meithrin.cymru
The Ark, 4pm; Aftershock, 5pm; contact Zoe, 01341 250993
Thursday: Badminton, 9.30am; contact Jim, 01341 250257
Table tennis, 2pm, all welcome
Indoor Bowls, 7pm; contact Alison, 01341 250257
Monthly Activities
Wednesday: Bingo, 11am (3rd in the month); contact Margaret, 01341 251274
Garden Club, 10.30am (last in the month); contact Ernie, 07500 717945
'Keep taking the tablets', 10am (1st in the month); contact Ernie 07500 717945.
Keep fit, 6pm (5.45pm, 4th Friday); contact Jo, 07585662142
Quiz Night, 7pm (4th Friday); contact Joyce, 01341 250522
Bookings for the Village Hall are subject to current Welsh Government guidelines
Bookings can be made through:
Ian Palmer Tel 01341 250386
E mail: fair2friogvillagehall@gmail.com
Do you enjoy singing?
Banish those winter blues by coming along for a good old sing.
We hope to start a group for anyone in the Fairbourne area. No previous experience necessary, it will be a no pressure, fun session to lift the spirits on the dark winter evenings.
Come along to the multi-use room in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 14th November and share your ideas. If there is enough support, the first session will be in the hall at 7.30pm on Monday, 21st November. Karen.